Monday, January 2, 2023

"The Spirit of an Empty Chair"

 "The Spirit of an Empty Chair"

Denise E Williams/Subtle Woman

Occupational Therapist/Wellness Counselor,

Healing Touch Certified Practitioner &

Psychic/Intuitive Empath & Medium 

December 28, 2022 

The sight of two empty chairs triggered a gentle curiosity and thought today.  Intuitively, I imagined what would be the symbiotic relationship, emptiness, stability and/or possibility of their message.  I envisioned two people seated next to each other with visible discomfort.  Furrowed brows, upper body tension and avoidant eye patterns were evident.  I sensed and interpreted, Shamanically & Energetically, the history of their relationship and communication issues.

Concomitantly, I felt the symbolic usage, positioning and likelihood of their presence: 

  • The parallel outward-facing chairs indicate an avoidant pattern or shunning, a possible tolerance for another's unseen presence or serves as an abutment to one's close proximity.  Out of sight--out of mind?  An ideal consideration is that you have each other's back--to be emotionally supportive.
  • The left outward-turned chair indicates the Emotional processing of the perceived inhabitant.  Turning away may indicate an avoidance to connect, misunderstanding, fear or anger.  What is the source of that facing?  
  • Vis-a-vis i.e facing each other indicates a possible connection or opposition to another.  What could it be to face one's challenges and look it squarely in the eye?  How daunting would you consider an opportunity to Soulspeak i.e., confer Spiritually & Energetically with another from a neutral and envisioned position?
  • The en face and parallel position suggests and allows for a peaceful joining and alignment with another.  Has one considered a Spiritual mediation or meditation to allay fears, anger or oppositional posturing?
If these chairs could talk, what would they say? How would they Guide, Reframe, Shape or Protect you in your subtle processing?  How would they represent your Intentions, Affirmations and Truth?  Visualize and Expect the Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual benefits of this experience.